Why do the heathen rage,

Why do the nations rage

Why are the heathen in tumult – DeW

Wherefore have nations assembled in tumult – Rhm

Why are the nations in an uproar - JPS

Why are the nations in turmoil – NEB

What means this turmoil among the nations – Knox

Why this uproar among the nations – Jerus

Why do the nations conspire – RSV

And the people imagine a vain thing?

And the people’s plot in vain – AAT

And the people’s devise an empty scheme – Ber

And the peoples utter folly – NAB

Why do the peoples cherish vain dreams – Knox

Why do the peoples hatch their futile plots – NEB

Why this impotent muttering of pagans – Jerus

The kings of the earth set themselves,

Kings of the earth take their stand – DeW

The kings of the earth stand ready – NEB

See how the kings of the earth stand in array – Knox

The kings of the earth rise up – NAB

Kings of the earth rising in revolt – Jerus

And the rulers take counsel together, 

And grave men have met by appointment together – RHM

And the princes conspire together – NAB

Princes plotting – Jerus

Against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, 

Against Yahweh 

And against his Anointed One [saying] – RHM

Against Yahweh and his Anointed – Jerus

Against the Eternal and his chosen one, crying – MOF

Against, Jehovah, and against His Messiah, saying – Sprl

Against the Lord, and against the King he has anointed, crying – Knox

Against the Lord, and against the King of his selection, saying – Bas

Let us break their bands asunder,

Let us burst their fetters – DeW

Let us break away from their bondage – Knox

Let us tear their restraining bands apart – Ber

Now let us break their fetters – Jerus

And cast away their cords from us.

And cast from us their bonds! – DeW

And fling off their control – Mof

And fling off their restraints – Har

And let us cast their shackles from us – Ber

And cast their cords [of course] from us – Amp

Now let us throw off their yoke! – Jerus

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh:

He who dwelleth in heaven will laugh them to scorn – Sept

He who dwells in heaven is laughing at their threats – Knox

The Enthroned in high heaven laughs – DeW

The One whose throne is in heaven sits laughing – Jerus

The Lord shall have them in derision.

The Lord will treat them with derision – Sept

My Lord will mock at them – Rhm

The Lord makes sport of them – AAT

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh:

He who dwelleth in heaven will laugh them to scorn – Sept

He who dwells in heaven is laughing at their threats – Knox

The Enthroned in high heaven laughs – DeW

The One whose throne is in heaven sits laughing – Jerus

The Lord shall have them in derision.

The Lord will treat them with derision – Sept

My Lord will mock at them – Rhm

The Lord makes sport of them – AAT