Hayden Hammond Hayden Hammond

#26 | 87,000 New (Weaponized) IRS Agents? For What?

Today, Jim, John, and Lonaiah dive immediately into a heap of headlines and news circulating the western world, touching on everything from the IRS and biotech to the American school system. This week's headliner is the California Senate Bill 107 and what this means for our youth and future. Jim wraps the episode with an excerpt from Revelation 18.

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Hayden Hammond Hayden Hammond

#25 | Pope Wants One World Denomination

Today, Jim and Lonaiah dive into the news of China and Pelosi, happenings around the World Economic Forum, and Pope Francis calling for church unification. Jim wraps the episode with teaching from Revelation.

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Hayden Hammond Hayden Hammond

#24 | China Spying from U.S. Farmland

Today, Jim, John, and Lonaiah lead with news of governments embracing famine, ranchers selling off cattle due to drought, and China purchasing land near Air Force bases. Jim also continues his teaching of the Harlot of Revelation.

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Hayden Hammond Hayden Hammond

#23 | Ezekiel 38:13 KJ | America, the Young Lion of Ezekiel 38?

Today, Jim, John, and Lonaiah dive into Ezekiel 38 and examine the identities and roles of the nations mentioned. This week's discussion points concern Biden's recent visit to the West Bank, "woke" churches, and biotech's introduction of the CRISPR 2.0.

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Hayden Hammond Hayden Hammond

#22 | Harlot of Revelation | Rev 17:1-7 KJ

Today, Jim, John, and Lonaiah highlight the significance of the Harlot (Babylon the Great) in Revelation 17. The team follows with discussions of the movement of atheism in the western world, Jesus appearing to figures in the Church of Satan, California's "Truckpocalypse," Israel updates, and continued investigations of the destruction of food and natural gas plants.

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Hayden Hammond Hayden Hammond

#21 | Armageddon — The Last War on Earth

Today, Jim, John, and Lonaiah discuss the present and incoming food shortage, international companies purchasing American farmland, updates from the White House and Washington, and beyond.

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Hayden Hammond Hayden Hammond

#20 | Government Manufactured Food Crisis?

Today, Jim, John, and Lonaiah dive into the current and impending food crisis and whose actions/agenda are behind it while emphasizing the importance and power of prayer in these dark days.

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Hayden Hammond Hayden Hammond

#14 | Can Blood Moons Predict the Week of the Rapture?

Today, Jim, John, and Lonaiah look to the skies as they explore the meaning of the sun, moon, and stars in Bible prophecy and pivotal historical moments. Can Christians utilize astronomical events to predict the coming of the rapture? This week also addresses Israel's Facial Recognition Software and the EU Social Credit Score.

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Hayden Hammond Hayden Hammond

#13 | End Times Signs / Israel Update

Today, Jim, John, and Lonaiah dive into recent "signs of the times" and discuss their parallels to scripture. The team also discusses updates and events in Israel, the World Economic Forum, and famine.

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Hayden Hammond Hayden Hammond

#11 | The Global Pandemic Treaty Will Take Away America's Freedom

Today, Jim, John, and Lonaiah discuss the World Health Organization’s “Pandemic Treaty” and, if established, what that would mean for the future of democracy. The three also touch on the Satanic Temple’s influence in our schools, strange and current events in America’s farmland, and “The Giant.”

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