#150 | Return of the Ottoman Empire?

In This Episode:

  • Could we be witnessing the foundations of a revived Ottoman Empire?

  • How are Turkey’s actions reshaping the Middle East’s balance of power?

  • What does this all mean in the context of end-times prophecy and The Final Quest by Rick Joyner?

Today, Jim, John, and Lonaiah explore the rise of Turkey and its growing influence in the Middle East. From military involvement in Syria to alliances with Sunni militias and Qatar, Turkey’s moves are shifting the region’s power dynamics. Could this geopolitical shift reflect ambitions that echo the Ottoman Empire of the past?

We also continue into the prophetic insights from Rick Joyner’s The Final Quest. In this groundbreaking vision, Joyner describes the organization and tactics of Satan’s demonic army—divisions fueled by pride, bitterness, and unrighteous judgment. How do these spiritual forces work in our day to day? And could they also be at play in the unfolding drama in the Middle East? Are these divisions influencing geopolitical moves that align with the coalition of nations described in Ezekiel 38?

Today, we connect historical context, modern events, and spiritual insights to uncover what’s really happening. Are we seeing the groundwork for a larger prophetic fulfillment? Join us to explore the spiritual and geopolitical implications of these turbulent times.


#151 | Have Scientists Found Hell 600 Miles Down?


#149 | Breakdown of Satan's Demonic Divisions - A Real Vision